day23: problem 2 solution

This commit is contained in:
Keenan Tims 2023-12-23 02:54:07 -08:00
parent 98456ed98d
commit c1eb7761e3
Signed by: ktims
GPG Key ID: 11230674D69038D4

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ use itertools::Itertools;
use ndarray::prelude::*;
use petgraph::algo::all_simple_paths;
use petgraph::prelude::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::fmt::{Debug, Display, Write};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, Lines};
@ -31,25 +31,31 @@ fn main() {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
enum EdgeType {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Node {
c: char,
pos: Position,
impl Display for Node {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "({},{})", self.pos.0, self.pos.1)
impl Debug for Node {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "({},{})", self.pos.0, self.pos.1)
type Position = (usize, usize);
struct ForestMap {
map: Array2<char>,
indexes: HashMap<Position, NodeIndex>,
graph: DiGraph<Node, EdgeType>,
graph: StableDiGraph<Node, u64>,
start: Position,
end: Position,
@ -91,7 +97,7 @@ impl<T: BufRead> From<Lines<T>> for ForestMap {
map.len_of(Axis(1)) - 1,
let mut graph = Graph::default();
let mut graph = StableGraph::default();
let mut indexes = HashMap::new();
for (pos, c) in map.indexed_iter() {
if *c != '#' {
@ -99,47 +105,6 @@ impl<T: BufRead> From<Lines<T>> for ForestMap {
for (pos, c) in map.indexed_iter() {
match c {
'#' => continue,
'.' => {
adjacent_to(&map, pos).iter().for_each(|adj| {
if indexes.contains_key(&adj) {
graph.add_edge(indexes[&pos], indexes[adj], EdgeType::FromPath);
'^' => {
if let Some(adj) = offset_pos(&map, pos, (0, -1)) {
if indexes.contains_key(&adj) {
graph.add_edge(indexes[&pos], indexes[&adj], EdgeType::FromSlope);
'>' => {
if let Some(adj) = offset_pos(&map, pos, (1, 0)) {
if indexes.contains_key(&adj) {
graph.add_edge(indexes[&pos], indexes[&adj], EdgeType::FromSlope);
'v' => {
if let Some(adj) = offset_pos(&map, pos, (0, 1)) {
if indexes.contains_key(&adj) {
graph.add_edge(indexes[&pos], indexes[&adj], EdgeType::FromSlope);
'<' => {
if let Some(adj) = offset_pos(&map, pos, (-1, 0)) {
if indexes.contains_key(&adj) {
graph.add_edge(indexes[&pos], indexes[&adj], EdgeType::FromSlope);
c => panic!("invalid map character {}", c),
Self {
@ -150,6 +115,129 @@ impl<T: BufRead> From<Lines<T>> for ForestMap {
impl ForestMap {
fn build_graph(&mut self) {
for (pos, c) in {
match c {
'#' => continue,
'.' => {
adjacent_to(&, pos).iter().for_each(|adj| {
if self.indexes.contains_key(&adj) {
self.graph.add_edge(self.indexes[&pos], self.indexes[adj], 1);
'^' => {
if let Some(adj) = offset_pos(&, pos, (0, -1)) {
if self.indexes.contains_key(&adj) {
self.graph.add_edge(self.indexes[&pos], self.indexes[&adj], 1);
'>' => {
if let Some(adj) = offset_pos(&, pos, (1, 0)) {
if self.indexes.contains_key(&adj) {
self.graph.add_edge(self.indexes[&pos], self.indexes[&adj], 1);
'v' => {
if let Some(adj) = offset_pos(&, pos, (0, 1)) {
if self.indexes.contains_key(&adj) {
self.graph.add_edge(self.indexes[&pos], self.indexes[&adj], 1);
'<' => {
if let Some(adj) = offset_pos(&, pos, (-1, 0)) {
if self.indexes.contains_key(&adj) {
self.graph.add_edge(self.indexes[&pos], self.indexes[&adj], 1);
c => panic!("invalid map character {}", c),
fn build_graph2(&mut self) {
for (pos, c) in {
match c {
'#' => continue,
'.' | '^' | '>' | 'v' | '<' => {
adjacent_to(&, pos).iter().for_each(|adj| {
if self.indexes.contains_key(&adj) {
self.graph.add_edge(self.indexes[&pos], self.indexes[adj], 1);
c => panic!("invalid map character {}", c),
// Cull nodes that don't change the topology of the graph and combine their cost
fn simplify_graph(&mut self) {
let mut idxs: Vec<_> = self
.map(|idx| (self.indexes[&self.start], idx))
let mut visited = HashSet::from([self.indexes[&self.start]]);
while let Some((last_idx, cur_idx)) = idxs.pop() {
if !visited.insert(cur_idx) {
let our_neighbors = self.graph.neighbors(cur_idx).collect_vec();
// if we have exactly 2 neighbours, then one is where we came from, and we can shortcut this node with a
// pair of new edges A <-> C and break the existing 4 edges between them
if our_neighbors.len() == 2 {
let next_idx = our_neighbors.iter().find(|n| **n != last_idx).unwrap();
// remove the 4 existing edges
// careful of order of operations, as removing edges invalidates edge indexes
let forward_cost = self
.remove_edge(self.graph.find_edge(cur_idx, *next_idx).unwrap())
let last_forward_cost = self
.remove_edge(self.graph.find_edge(last_idx, cur_idx).unwrap())
let backward_cost = self
.remove_edge(self.graph.find_edge(cur_idx, last_idx).unwrap())
let next_backward_cost = self
.remove_edge(self.graph.find_edge(*next_idx, cur_idx).unwrap())
let new_forward_cost = forward_cost + last_forward_cost;
let new_backward_cost = backward_cost + next_backward_cost;
// add edge from last to next
self.graph.add_edge(last_idx, *next_idx, new_forward_cost);
self.graph.add_edge(*next_idx, last_idx, new_backward_cost);
// push the next node
idxs.push((last_idx, *next_idx));
} else {
// don't do anything about nodes with > 2 edges, just push them onto the stack, if there are some
&mut self
.map(|next_idx| (cur_idx, next_idx))
impl Debug for ForestMap {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
for y in {
@ -158,20 +246,6 @@ impl Debug for ForestMap {
// println!("start: {:?} end: {:?}", self.start, self.end);
// println!("digraph aoc23 {{");
// for node in self.graph.node_indices() {
// println!(
// " \"{},{}\" -> {}",
// self.graph[node].pos.0,
// self.graph[node].pos.1,
// self.graph
// .neighbors(node)
// .map(|n| format!("\"{},{}\"", self.graph[n].pos.0, self.graph[n].pos.1))
// .join(",")
// );
// }
// println!("}}");
@ -179,8 +253,9 @@ impl Debug for ForestMap {
// PROBLEM 1 solution
fn problem1<T: BufRead>(input: Lines<T>) -> u64 {
let map = ForestMap::from(input);
println!("{:?}", map);
let mut map = ForestMap::from(input);
// println!("{:?}", map);
let paths = all_simple_paths::<Vec<_>, _>(&map.graph, map.indexes[&map.start], map.indexes[&map.end], 0, None)
let longest = paths.iter().max_by_key(|path| path.len()).unwrap();
@ -188,9 +263,24 @@ fn problem1<T: BufRead>(input: Lines<T>) -> u64 {
longest.len() as u64 - 1
fn calc_path_length(map: &ForestMap, path: &Vec<NodeIndex>) -> u64 {
path.iter().tuple_windows().fold(0, |accum, (prev, next)| {
accum + map.graph[map.graph.find_edge(*prev, *next).unwrap()]
// PROBLEM 2 solution
fn problem2<T: BufRead>(input: Lines<T>) -> u64 {
let mut map = ForestMap::from(input);
let paths = all_simple_paths::<Vec<_>, _>(&map.graph, map.indexes[&map.start], map.indexes[&map.end], 0, None)
let longest = paths.iter().max_by_key(|path| calc_path_length(&map, &path)).unwrap();
longest.iter().tuple_windows().fold(0, |accum, (prev, next)| {
accum + map.graph[map.graph.find_edge(*prev, *next).unwrap()]
@ -231,6 +321,6 @@ mod tests {
fn problem2_example() {
let c = Cursor::new(EXAMPLE);
assert_eq!(problem2(c.lines()), 0);
assert_eq!(problem2(c.lines()), 154);