diff --git a/.aoc_tiles/tiles/2024/21.png b/.aoc_tiles/tiles/2024/21.png
index 1094c33..007aeb9 100644
Binary files a/.aoc_tiles/tiles/2024/21.png and b/.aoc_tiles/tiles/2024/21.png differ
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ee1f321..46d6e9c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- 2024 - 39 ⭐ - Rust
+ 2024 - 40 ⭐ - Rust
@@ -62,4 +62,7 @@
diff --git a/src/day21.rs b/src/day21.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fa3caf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/day21.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+use aoc_runner_derive::aoc;
+use itertools::Itertools;
+use std::iter::repeat_n;
+trait KeypadRobot {
+ fn new() -> Self;
+ fn press(&mut self, target: u8) -> Vec>;
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
+struct NumberKeypadRobot {
+ pointing_at: u8,
+impl NumberKeypadRobot {
+ fn pos_of(button: u8) -> (i8, i8) {
+ match button {
+ b'7' => (0, 0),
+ b'8' => (1, 0),
+ b'9' => (2, 0),
+ b'4' => (0, 1),
+ b'5' => (1, 1),
+ b'6' => (2, 1),
+ b'1' => (0, 2),
+ b'2' => (1, 2),
+ b'3' => (2, 2),
+ b'X' => (0, 3),
+ b'0' => (1, 3),
+ b'A' => (2, 3),
+ c => unimplemented!("unexpected character {}", c),
+ }
+ }
+impl KeypadRobot for NumberKeypadRobot {
+ fn new() -> Self {
+ Self { pointing_at: b'A' }
+ }
+ fn press(&mut self, target: u8) -> Vec> {
+ let cur_pos = Self::pos_of(self.pointing_at);
+ let goal_pos = Self::pos_of(target);
+ let x_ofs = goal_pos.0 - cur_pos.0;
+ let y_ofs = goal_pos.1 - cur_pos.1;
+ let mut paths = Vec::new();
+ if (cur_pos.0 + x_ofs, cur_pos.1) != Self::pos_of(b'X') {
+ let mut x_first = Vec::new();
+ x_first.extend(repeat_n(if x_ofs > 0 { b'>' } else { b'<' }, x_ofs.abs() as usize));
+ x_first.extend(repeat_n(if y_ofs > 0 { b'v' } else { b'^' }, y_ofs.abs() as usize));
+ x_first.push(b'A');
+ paths.push(x_first);
+ }
+ if (cur_pos.0, cur_pos.1 + y_ofs) != Self::pos_of(b'X') {
+ let mut y_first = Vec::new();
+ y_first.extend(repeat_n(if y_ofs > 0 { b'v' } else { b'^' }, y_ofs.abs() as usize));
+ y_first.extend(repeat_n(if x_ofs > 0 { b'>' } else { b'<' }, x_ofs.abs() as usize));
+ y_first.push(b'A');
+ paths.push(y_first);
+ }
+ if paths.is_empty() {
+ panic!("all paths lead to the void");
+ }
+ paths.dedup();
+ self.pointing_at = target;
+ paths
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
+struct DirectionKeypadRobot {
+ pointing_at: u8,
+ child: Option,
+impl DirectionKeypadRobot {
+ fn pos_of(target: u8) -> (i8, i8) {
+ match target {
+ b'X' => (0, 0),
+ b'^' => (1, 0),
+ b'A' => (2, 0),
+ b'<' => (0, 1),
+ b'v' => (1, 1),
+ b'>' => (2, 1),
+ c => unimplemented!("unexpected char {}", c),
+ }
+ }
+ fn move_to(&mut self, target: u8) -> Vec {
+ let cur_pos = Self::pos_of(self.pointing_at);
+ let goal_pos = Self::pos_of(target);
+ let x_ofs = goal_pos.0 - cur_pos.0;
+ let y_ofs = goal_pos.1 - cur_pos.1;
+ self.pointing_at = target;
+ if (cur_pos.0 + x_ofs, cur_pos.1) != Self::pos_of(b'X') {
+ let mut x_first = Vec::new();
+ x_first.extend(repeat_n(if x_ofs > 0 { b'>' } else { b'<' }, x_ofs.abs() as usize));
+ x_first.extend(repeat_n(if y_ofs > 0 { b'v' } else { b'^' }, y_ofs.abs() as usize));
+ x_first.push(b'A');
+ return x_first;
+ }
+ if (cur_pos.0, cur_pos.1 + y_ofs) != Self::pos_of(b'X') {
+ let mut y_first = Vec::new();
+ y_first.extend(repeat_n(if y_ofs > 0 { b'v' } else { b'^' }, y_ofs.abs() as usize));
+ y_first.extend(repeat_n(if x_ofs > 0 { b'>' } else { b'<' }, x_ofs.abs() as usize));
+ y_first.push(b'A');
+ return y_first;
+ }
+ panic!("all routes lead to the void");
+ }
+ fn path_to(&mut self, moves: &Vec) -> Vec {
+ let prev_point = self.pointing_at;
+ let mut path = Vec::new();
+ for m in moves {
+ path.append(&mut self.move_to(*m));
+ }
+ self.pointing_at = prev_point;
+ path
+ }
+impl KeypadRobot for DirectionKeypadRobot {
+ fn new() -> Self {
+ Self {
+ pointing_at: b'A',
+ child: None,
+ }
+ }
+ fn press(&mut self, target: u8) -> Vec> {
+ let path_options = self.child.as_mut().unwrap().press(target);
+ // for each path option, find our shortest route
+ let mut candidate_paths = Vec::new();
+ for child_path in path_options {
+ let candidate_path = self.path_to(&child_path);
+ candidate_paths.push(candidate_path);
+ }
+ candidate_paths
+ }
+struct Code(Vec);
+impl Code {
+ fn num_val(&self) -> i64 {
+ String::from_utf8_lossy(&self.0.as_slice()[0..3]).parse().unwrap()
+ }
+fn parse(input: &str) -> Vec {
+ let mut codes = Vec::new();
+ for code in input.lines() {
+ codes.push(Code(code.as_bytes().to_vec()))
+ }
+ codes
+#[aoc(day21, part1)]
+fn part1(input: &str) -> i64 {
+ let codes = parse(input);
+ let mut sum = 0;
+ for code in &codes {
+ let numpad = NumberKeypadRobot::new();
+ let mut robot1 = DirectionKeypadRobot::new();
+ robot1.child = Some(numpad);
+ let mut robot2 = DirectionKeypadRobot::new();
+ robot2.child = Some(robot1);
+ let mut path = Vec::new();
+ for button in &code.0 {
+ let paths = robot2.press(*button);
+ path.push(paths);
+ }
+ let paths = path.clone().into_iter()
+ .multi_cartesian_product()
+ .map(|c| c.iter().flatten().map(|c| *c as char).join("")).collect_vec();
+ let best = paths.iter().map(|p| p.len()).min().unwrap() as i64;
+ let score = code.num_val() * best;
+ sum += score;
+ }
+ sum
+#[aoc(day21, part2)]
+fn part2(input: &str) -> i64 {
+ todo!()
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ const EXAMPLE: &str = "029A
+ #[test]
+ fn part1_example() {
+ assert_eq!(part1(EXAMPLE), 126384);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn part2_example() {
+ assert_eq!(part2(EXAMPLE), 0);
+ }
diff --git a/src/lib.rs b/src/lib.rs
index 0d05b93..0a534d1 100644
--- a/src/lib.rs
+++ b/src/lib.rs
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ pub mod day18;
pub mod day19;
pub mod day2;
pub mod day20;
+pub mod day21;
pub mod day3;
pub mod day4;
pub mod day5;