use aoc_runner_derive::{aoc, aoc_generator}; use grid::Grid; use itertools::Itertools; use std::io::{BufRead, Lines}; #[aoc_generator(day10)] pub fn get_input(input: &[u8]) -> TrailMap { TrailMap::from(input.lines()) } pub struct TrailMap { map: Grid, } impl From> for TrailMap { fn from(input: Lines) -> Self { Self { map: input.into() } } } impl TrailMap { fn trailheads(&self) -> Vec<(i64, i64)> { .data .iter() .enumerate() .filter(|(_, v)| **v == b'0') .map(|(i, _v)| as i64).unwrap()) .collect_vec() } fn count_reachable_from(&self, pos: &(i64, i64), needle: u8, visited: &mut Grid) -> u64 { if visited.get(pos) == Some(true) { return 0; } else { visited.set(pos, true); } let our_val =; if our_val == needle { return 1; } // adjacents that are +1 [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)] // left, right, up, down .iter() .map(|(x_ofs, y_ofs)| (pos.0 + x_ofs, pos.1 + y_ofs)) // get target position .map(|target_pos| (target_pos, // get value at that position .filter(|(_, val)| *val == Some(our_val + 1)) // only interested if it's our value + 1 .map(|(pos, _)| pos) // discard the value .map(|pos| self.count_reachable_from(&pos, needle, visited)) .sum() } fn count_paths_to(&self, pos: &(i64, i64), needle: u8) -> u64 { let our_val =; if our_val == needle { return 1; } [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)] // left, right, up, down .iter() .map(|(x_ofs, y_ofs)| (pos.0 + x_ofs, pos.1 + y_ofs)) // get target position .map(|target_pos| (target_pos, // get value at that position .filter(|(_, val)| *val == Some(our_val + 1)) // only interested if it's our value + 1 .map(|(pos, _)| pos) // discard the value .map(|mov| self.count_paths_to(&mov, needle)) .sum::() } } // PROBLEM 1 solution #[aoc(day10, part1)] pub fn part1(map: &TrailMap) -> u64 { map.trailheads() .iter() .map(|pos| { let mut visited = Grid::with_shape(,, false); map.count_reachable_from(pos, b'9', &mut visited) }) .sum() } // PROBLEM 2 solution #[aoc(day10, part2)] pub fn part2(map: &TrailMap) -> u64 { map.trailheads() .iter() .map(|pos| map.count_paths_to(pos, b'9')) .sum::() } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::day10::*; const EXAMPLE: &[u8] = b"89010123 78121874 87430965 96549874 45678903 32019012 01329801 10456732"; #[test] fn part1_example() { assert_eq!(part1(&get_input(EXAMPLE)), 36); } #[test] fn part2_example() { assert_eq!(part2(&get_input(EXAMPLE)), 81); } }