use ipnet::Ipv4Net; use json::JsonValue; use plotters::backend::BitMapBackend; use plotters::chart::ChartBuilder; use plotters::coord::ranged1d::{IntoSegmentedCoord, SegmentValue}; use plotters::drawing::IntoDrawingArea; use plotters::element::{EmptyElement, Text}; use plotters::series::{Histogram, PointSeries}; use plotters::style::full_palette::GREY; use plotters::style::text_anchor::{HPos, Pos, VPos}; use plotters::style::{Color, IntoFont, RGBColor, ShapeStyle, BLACK, WHITE}; use rand::prelude::*; use rand_chacha::ChaChaRng; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use std::process::Stdio; use tempfile::NamedTempFile; const BAR_COLOUR: RGBColor = RGBColor(66, 133, 244); #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct TestDefinition { cmd: String, name: String, // including version } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct TestResult { mean: f64, stddev: f64, median: f64, min: f64, max: f64, } impl From for TestResult { fn from(value: JsonValue) -> Self { Self { mean: value["mean"].as_f64().unwrap(), stddev: value["stddev"].as_f64().unwrap(), median: value["median"].as_f64().unwrap(), min: value["min"].as_f64().unwrap(), max: value["max"].as_f64().unwrap(), } } } fn make_tests(input_path: &str) -> Vec { let our_version = format!("rs-aggregate {}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")); let our_path = env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_rs-aggregate"); let python_version_raw = std::process::Command::new("python3") .arg("--version") .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .expect("Unable to run python3") .wait_with_output() .expect("Couldn't get python3 output") .stdout; let python_version = String::from_utf8_lossy(&python_version_raw); let agg6_version_raw = std::process::Command::new("python3") .arg("-m") .arg("aggregate6") .arg("-V") .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .expect("Unable to run aggregate6") .wait_with_output() .expect("Couldn't get aggregate6 output") .stdout; let agg6_version = String::from_utf8_lossy(&agg6_version_raw); vec![ TestDefinition { cmd: format!("{} {}", our_path, input_path), name: our_version.into(), }, TestDefinition { cmd: format!("python3 -m aggregate6 {}", input_path), name: format!("{} ({})", agg6_version.trim(), python_version.trim()), }, ] } fn make_v4_tests(input_path: &str) -> Vec { let mut all_tests = make_tests(input_path); let iprange_version_raw = std::process::Command::new("iprange") .arg("--version") .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .expect("Unable to run iprange") .wait_with_output() .expect("Couldn't get iprange output") .stdout; let iprange_version = String::from_utf8_lossy(&iprange_version_raw); all_tests.push(TestDefinition { cmd: format!("iprange --optimize {}", input_path), name: iprange_version.lines().nth(0).unwrap().into(), }); all_tests } // We don't really care if aggregation will actually be possible, but we'll only // generate prefixes with length 8->24 so some should be possible. fn make_random_prefix(rng: &mut impl Rng) -> Ipv4Net { let prefix_len: u8 = rng.gen_range(8..25); let netaddr: u32 = rng.gen_range(0..(1 << prefix_len)) << 32 - prefix_len; Ipv4Net::new(netaddr.into(), prefix_len).unwrap() } // Generate 1024 random v4 addresses as a startup time test fn make_startup_tests() -> (NamedTempFile, Vec) { let mut rng = ChaChaRng::seed_from_u64(0); // use a repeatable rng with custom seed let addresses = std::iter::repeat_with(|| make_random_prefix(&mut rng)).take(1024); let mut outfile = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap(); let mut outfile_f = outfile.as_file(); for addr in addresses { outfile_f.write_fmt(format_args!("{}\n", addr)).unwrap(); } outfile.flush().unwrap(); let outpath = outfile.path().as_os_str().to_string_lossy().to_string(); // outfile needs to live on so destructor doesn't delete it before we run the benches (outfile, make_v4_tests(outpath.as_str())) } fn hyperfine_harness(cmd: S) -> Result> where S: AsRef, { let resultfile = NamedTempFile::new().expect("Unable to create tempfile"); let mut process = std::process::Command::new("hyperfine") .arg("--export-json") .arg(resultfile.path()) .arg("--min-runs") .arg("10") .arg("-N") .arg("--") .arg(&cmd) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .spawn() .expect("unable to run command"); let _rc = process.wait().expect("unable to wait on process"); let mut raw_result_buf = Vec::new(); resultfile .as_file() .read_to_end(&mut raw_result_buf) .expect("Can't read results"); resultfile.close().unwrap(); let hf_result = json::parse(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&raw_result_buf)).expect( format!( "Can't parse hyperfine json results from command `{}`", cmd.as_ref().to_string_lossy() ) .as_str(), ); let final_result = &hf_result["results"][0]; Ok((final_result.clone()).into()) } fn plot_results( results: &Vec<(TestDefinition, TestResult)>, caption: &str, outfile: &str, ) -> Result<(), Box> { // Second result is our baseline let norm_numerator = results[1].1.mean; let max_result = norm_numerator / results.iter().map(|x| x.1.mean).reduce(f64::min).unwrap(); let drawing = BitMapBackend::new(outfile, (640, 480)).into_drawing_area(); drawing.fill(&WHITE)?; let mut chart = ChartBuilder::on(&drawing) .x_label_area_size(40) .y_label_area_size(40) .caption(caption, ("Roboto", 24).into_font()) .build_cartesian_2d((0..results.len() - 1).into_segmented(), 0.0..max_result)?; chart .configure_mesh() .y_desc("Speedup vs aggregate6") .y_labels(5) .y_label_formatter(&|x| std::fmt::format(format_args!("{:.0}", *x))) .light_line_style(WHITE) .bold_line_style(GREY) .disable_x_mesh() .x_label_style(("Roboto", 18).into_font()) .x_label_formatter(&|x| match x { SegmentValue::Exact(val) => results[*val], SegmentValue::CenterOf(val) => results[*val], SegmentValue::Last => String::new(), }) .draw()?; chart.draw_series( Histogram::vertical(&chart) .style(BAR_COLOUR.filled()) .margin(10) .data( results .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(x, y)| (x, norm_numerator / y.1.mean)), ), )?; chart.draw_series(PointSeries::of_element( results .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(x, y)| (SegmentValue::CenterOf(x), norm_numerator / y.1.mean)), 5, ShapeStyle::from(&BLACK).filled(), &|coord, _size, _style| { let (target_y, target_colour) = if coord.1 < 25.0 { (-25, BAR_COLOUR) } else { (25, WHITE) }; EmptyElement::at(coord.clone()) + Text::new( format!("{:.1} x", coord.1), (0, target_y), ("Roboto", 18) .into_font() .color(&target_colour) .pos(Pos::new(HPos::Center, VPos::Center)), ) }, ))?; Ok(()) } fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { run_and_plot( make_tests("test-data/dfz_combined/input"), "doc/perfcomp_all.png", "IPv4 & IPv6 Full DFZ", )?; run_and_plot( make_v4_tests("test-data/dfz_v4/input"), "doc/perfcomp_v4.png", "IPv4 Full DFZ", )?; // Need to hold on to tmpfile so it doesn't get deleted before we can bench let (_tmpfile, tests) = make_startup_tests(); run_and_plot( tests, "doc/perfcomp_startup.png", "1024 Random IPv4 Prefixes", )?; Ok(()) } fn run_and_plot( tests: Vec, filename: &str, caption: &str, ) -> Result<(), Box> { let mut results: Vec<(TestDefinition, TestResult)> = Vec::new(); for test in tests { println!("Running bench: {:?}", test); results.push((test.clone(), hyperfine_harness(&test.cmd)?)); } plot_results(&results, caption, filename)?; Ok(()) }